The Project Coordination Unit has conducted a monitoring and evaluation assessment with the beneficiary institutions (BI’s) that are part of the ongoing public reform to measure the performance and contribution of the CIM staff placed at their institutions. A CIP work plan for 2019 has been drafted with the institutions that highlights specific deliverables and any common needs or gaps they might have. This is in preparation of the upcoming World Bank Mission meeting to see if the institutions had a strategic plan in place and where this was not the case the PCU would be able to assist with this.

The planned activities were categorised in the following areas;

  1. Development of Institutional polices, strategic plans, guidelines and manual procedures, etc.
  2. Organizational system and capacity improvement needs
  3. Build capacity of the MDA-based reform team to implement rapid initiatives to advance organizational change process and delivery of short-term results
  4. Organizational management and employee’s capacity improvement needs.
  5. Supplies of office equipment (furniture, computers etc.)

The PCU was able to gather a comprehensive needs assessment from the BI’s as well as their challenges. The survey would also reveal whether or not the organisational structures developed under the project were fully adopted and operational.

Some of the many challenges that emerged were to do with the need to receive specific job-related training or record management. Other challenges that the BI’s face include the lack of work space and equipment as well as contractual issues due to the RCRF funding deficit. The staff not only requested for this budget issue to be resolved, but to in fact increase the CIM staff hired in order to see further improvements in the institution’s capacity. The main focus behind this was to find out both the perceived as well as the actual capacity contributions of the merit-based recruited CIM staff to the BI’s and their overall performance and delivery. The project team endeavours to regularly evaluate how the project is being executed and will share the results of the survey in the following month.