Today the Evaluations committee which consists of the National Civil Service Commission (NCSC) and the Capacity Injection Project (CIP), initiated the evaluations process by going through the applications submitted for a qualified and highly professional consultancy firm with experience and skills in areas of Human Resource Management Information System to conduct an assessment on identifying HRMIS system specifications.
The recent headcount and the new biometric registration exercises generated excel database forms as an entry points but, currently the National Civil Service Commission (NCSC) and all other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal Government of Somalia do not have a functioning automated HRM system to manage the day-to-day civil service employees and their records such as documenting employee changes (appointments, performance, transfers, secondment, promotions, retirements, and so on). A set of complete and reliable paper personnel files is an important data source for managing Human Resource. Therefore, it deems necessary to have a centralized Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) to manage the civil service employees across the government institutions.