FGS & World Bank Bi-annual Troika (CIP, RCRF & DRM PFM) Coordination meeting

FGS & World Bank Bi-annual Troika (CIP, RCRF & DRM PFM) Coordination meeting

On the December 8th 2019, a bi-annual Troika meeting was held in Mogadishu for the Somalia Multi Partner Funded projects: Recurrent Cost & Reform Financing (RCRF), Public Financial Management (DRM/PFM) & Capacity Injection Project (CIP). A World Bank team met with the Joint Steering committee from both the Federal Government of Somalia & Puntland State.

Government colleagues working in these projects gave an update on the respective projects and the World Bank teams gave their perspective towards the Governance Reform Programs. The government of Somalia is committed to the ongoing reform initiatives in the country at large particularly at FGS & Puntland through these Troika governance programs and very much appreciates, the financial and technical support by the World Bank as well as other partners.