Inter-governmental relations between between FGS and Federal Member States

Inter-governmental relations between between FGS and Federal Member States

Under Component 3, the project is to provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of policy development and cabinet processes at the center of government. Therefore, on March 13th 2019, the CIP facilitated and supported a high-level technical consultative meeting for technical teams from the FGS and Jubbaland cabinet led by the Permanent Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister on policy planning, coordination, performance and delivery in order to enhance the inter-governmental relations and information sharing between line ministries of the Federal institutions and their respective regional counterparts.

In line with the national agenda of the current government (four roadmaps), the responsible ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) discussed the main goals and milestones/benchmarks to be accomplished in order to implement government priorities.

Having already had many of such consultations with the FGS, technical teams will also visit all five federal member states to establish effective policy planning and coordination mechanisms for the roadmap priorities.