Project review outcome and Government’s current reform agenda

Project review outcome and Government’s current reform agenda

The Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Ahmednur Mohamed and fellow advisors of his office welcomed the World Bank’s Somalia Capacity Injection Project (CIP) project task team mission to the office of the Prime Minister as well as the Minister of Labor and the Chairman of the National Civil Service Commission (NCSC).

 The PS has briefly explained that the office of the Prime Minister had assigned two senior advisors to conduct a quick review exercise of the project in terms of its effectiveness and impact and give recommendations to the Prime Minister about how the CIP project can play an effective role in the ongoing government roadmaps.

Having seen the government’s vision for the reform agenda and establishment of four major road maps, the PS has mentioned that the CIP project can play a central role and contribute significantly in terms of providing the capacity needed for the implementation of such roadmaps. The PS has envisioned that the project can support the OPM that is now driving the roadmaps in the following areas:

  • Strengthening the capabilities of the cabinet secretariat and performance
  • Policy coordination and performance management at the center of the government and planning support in terms of supporting systems such as government performance system, Planning, reporting and M&E tools;
  • Sponsoring government higher level retreats (Ministerial and DG levels);
  • Sponsor effective communication strategy and relevant publications;
  • Sponsoring research and planning workshops on specific reform areas;
  • Leadership training programs, tour studies and exposure visits for gaining experiences;
  • Restart project recruitment to meet the reform objectives of the government;

In addition, the Minister of Labor H.E. Salah A. Jama remarked that the project came and started in the absence of a public reform strategy of the government in place. However, was also in support of configuring some of the modalities of the project to be more in line with the government’s objectives.