HR Audit workshop on policies review and headcount of the civil service

HR Audit workshop on policies review and headcount of the civil service

A 2-day HR Audit workshop briefing senior members of over 50 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s) on why a high level of government engagement is central to the successful outcome and the quality of information captured from these individuals which consists of (i) headcount – requiring payroll data; and, (ii) a review of HR policies, systems, processes and practices – by looking at the processes in place in the MDAs.

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A physical headcount of the nearly 5500 civil servants will explain who is actually present vs the total number registered. The system stores all employee data electronically in order to make informed decisions if and when needed. Additional key information will be revealed through this process as to how many are male/female, the different ages and what their qualifications are.

The minister of Labor, The Auditor General, Chairman of the NCSC as well as The PS of the Office of the Prime Minister reassured everyone that the purpose of this exercise is not to let people go, but being able to account for each and every civil servant by evaluating the current processes and identifying anomalies and irregularities.

The Auditor General revealed that around 60% of government expenditure accounts for the salaries of civil servants which is highly disproportionate as to what it should be.

On the last day, presentations by the consultants informed the audience of the tools to be used and answered any questions that they had. An engaging brainstorming session highlighted the challenges and possible solutions letting the participants know that they co-own this process.