Project Implementation and Support Mission

Project Implementation and Support Mission

The World Bank project task team leader Alex Appiah-Koranteng met with officials from the Federal Government of Somalia as well as the CIP project team in Mogadishu.

Central Bank of Somalia

Starting off with a new milestone, in January 2018 the Central Bank of Somalia in collaboration with the World Bank, successfully granted severance pay to 19 retired bank employees who reached the bank pension age.

This is part of Central Bank’s policy towards qualitative enhancement of all central bank departments with the support of the CIP. In addition, it is also part of the overall strategy for the 2017-2019 National Development Plan in building and establishing effective public institutions. It is the first time the Central Bank retired employees who reached the bank pension age since it re-opened for business in 2007 and this clearly demonstrates how Somalia is progressing and on the right path to recovery.

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The Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs (MoLSA)

H.E Minister Salah Jama announced that a new structure was developed catering to the areas critical in the civil service reform. All the needed positions to be recruited for were identified such as the consultants, directors of departments and the heads of units and submitted this to the Civil Service Commission to advertise for near placement.

On legal frame work related issues, MoLSA completed the Civil Service Law, the Public Sector Law, the Labour Law as well as another 38 Regulations are to be drafted.

Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)

The OPM team discussed re-activating the policy coordination and monitoring related activities under component 3 of the project pillars which deals with matters relating to the centre of government such as training and capacity building for the OPM staff, the development of a cabinet manual and ministers’ retreats.

Project Coordination Unit (PCU)

The project Coordination Unit has prepared their CIP year 2018 Work Plan to be presented together with their Puntland counterparts in Nairobi in the coming months. The team agreed to set up project ‘grievance management committee’ to handle all queries and issues that individuals may have encounter when dealing with any aspect the CIP.

The Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development (MOPIED)

Representatives discussed their staffing and equipment needs for the new function of an ‘Investment & Economic Development’ department as presented in their organizational structure. They have passed on the type of training and capacity building support those new staff will need to the World Bank task team.

National Civil Service Commission (NCSC)

The Commission shared that for phase two, a new list of the ‘second wave Capacity Injection Modality (CIM) Recruitment’ is in the pipeline as well as training and capacity building for staff as shown in the below table.